1. How do I find items if I do not have an item number?

First you can use the free text search which is located on the right hand side in the header. You can also browse for product category. Within a category, you can filter different criteria, e.g. stock level or price. You will find all these possibilities in the menu on the left.


2. How can I see what is in stock?
On each product sheet you will find online stock amount.


3. Special requests/Campaign related materials
I have a request for a special gift for a specific campaign. Please send an email with your request and clear description, amount and budget to windevents@siemensgamesa.com and we will come up with suggestion and an offer for you. Campaign related material will only be available to the webshop if we have left-over at stock and with approval of the campaign owner.


4. I have an idea for a new item for the webshop
Please send an email with your suggestion to windevents@siemensgamesa.com and we will research your idea


5. How do I pay for my shopping - PO
Please create a PO and attach it as PDF when checking-out. You are not able to check-out without attaching a PO or paying by credit card. You can create a framework PO and use this several times if easier for you. It is not necessary to ask for an offer to create a PO for the merchandise as we are talking about a frame contract with the supplier. 


6. How do I pay for my shopping - Credit Card
Early November 2018 some of the customers of the SGRE merchandise webshop received a letter from SGRE A/S CFO about unpaid invoices. Many of you have taken action on this topic and paid outstanding invoices. However, there are still countries who have invoices due – invoices from Q1 in 2018! Meaning that I would need to stop offering the solution to pay with PO for a period, for certain countries. Reason is that if invoices are not paid, I will not have budget to buy new articles, which hits us all. These countries will only have the opportunity to pay with credit card at check-out. You will receive a receipt/invoice in your mail box in order to be able to claim the expense again. This will start from January 1st, 2019 until there are no more due invoices in the respective country. We are sorry, if you experience this when having paid your invoice. However, the reason why you might be effected by this change is that a colleague under the same organization code still has unpaid invoices. 


7. The supplier is not registered at my legal entity
We are striving to have the supplier registered as approved vendor at all legal entities from the beginning. However, if the vendor is not approved at your legal entity, please create them by contacting IDÉ House of Brands directly. 


8. My order is urgent and I don’t have a Purchase Order number
You can pay with all valid credit cards in the shop. However, it is only recommended if you are not able to create a PO. This because the wrong cost center will probably be charged with your shopping. 


9. How will the goods be shipped if I order several items and some of them are out of stock?
You can decide if you want to have partial deliveries of the in-stock items, or if you want to wait until all the items are available. If you choose a partial delivery, then the freight costs will be doubled. If you choose one complete delivery, freight costs will only be charged once and all your ordered items will be delivered together as soon as they are available.


10. How can I get information regarding my order?
Please call IDÉ House of Brands :+45 75 75 25 75 or send an email: support@idegroup.dk - We will be happy to assist you.


11. My requested item is out of stock. Where can I see when it will be available again?
Next to the picture of the product, on the right, you will find the current stock level.Under the picture you will also find the date of the next delivery, plus the quantity.


12. Why only on request? Only on request because of limited stock reserved for fairs.


13. I am looking for an item which is not listed in the shop. What can I do?
Within the navigation bar you will find the link "Service". After clicking on it please choose “Contact” and write an email to CC&PA – please describe the product you are looking for. We will get in touch with you and send you an offer as soon as possible.


14. What are hazardous goods?
Hazardous goods are goods which contain chemical substances that might cause risk to the public during transport.


15. How do I know that an item in the shop is classified as hazardous?
These items are marked with a hazardous goods classification on the data sheet. Moreover, you can search for “dangerous” or “hazardous” and these products will then be listed.